Kinder-Ferienspiel in cooperation with WIENXTRA
Kinder-Ferienspiel: Fantastische Plastik-Esser
What happens to plastic when we are done with it?
The exhibition Antimatter Factory by Mika Rottenberg offers an opportunity to reflect on the use and utilization of plastic. In a humorous way, the artist highlights the urgency of conserving resources, consuming less and living more sustainably.
The workshop focuses on a glimpse into the future where bacteria might be used to break down plastic. This wonderful world of plastic-eating bacteria and fungi inspires us to get creative ourselves: Together we will model our own imaginary plastic-eating creatures.
MON, 14.04., 10:30–12:00 & 13:00–14:30
THU, 15.04. 10:30–12:00 & 13:00–14:30
WED, 16.04., 10:30–12:00 & 13:00–14:30
Workshop duration: 90 Minuten
For children from 6–12 years
Location: KunstHausWien, Untere Weißgerberstraße 13, 1030 Vienna
Language: German
Cost per child: 6 € incl. admission
Reduced with Kinder-Aktivcard: 5 € incl. admission
Accompanying persons receive reduced admission: 12 €
Accompanying persons with Kinder-Aktivcard receive reduced admission: 6 €
In cooperation with WIENXTRA
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