Schools programme

KunstHausWien offers an educational programme for children and adolescents, tailored to the needs of our young visitors. Based on their special realm of experience there are dialogic and interactive guided tours and practice-oriented workshops. There is no preliminary knowledge required on the part of the pupils.

The entire educational programme is available in German and English. Please contact us if you are interested in a guided tour through the Hundertwasser exhibition in French.

Admission to the exhibition for pupils (without guided tour)

For the educational programmes the minimum number of participants per children’s group or school class is 15.

In order to ensure that your group’s visit to the museum will be a unique experience we kindly ask you to consider the following:

•    TERMS OF CANCELLATION: booked tours can be cancelled in writing up to seven weekdays prior to the appointed date. Otherwise the cancellation fee as specified in the booking confirmation has to be paid.

•    SUPERVISION: classes have to be supervised by their teachers, group leaders and accompanying persons. They take care that the children and adolescents behave appropriately.  


Ab 25 Personen wird die Gruppe geteilt durch zwei Guides geführt. Eine Mindestabnahme von 15 Tickets pro Gruppe ist verpflichtend. Pro 10 Schüler:innen ist eine Begleitperson frei.

