Future Talk
Fast Fashion

Future Talk: Climate X Change

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DO 10.11.2022

Fast fashion & the textile cycle

What does fashion cost? More and more consumers are buying ever cheaper collections at ever shorter intervals: The business model of fast fashion is convincing. But the price we pay is high. The global textile production chain ranges from resource-intensive fibre production and overproduction under precarious working conditions to disposal. From an ecological and social point of view, this is fatal: the fast fashion industry causes around 92 million tonnes of clothing and textile waste every year and around 10 percent of global CO2 emissions - more than international air and sea shipping combined.

How can the fashion industry become sustainable and environmentally friendly? What structural and political framework conditions are necessary to say goodbye to fast fashion? And what can we as consumers do to help?

As part of the exhibition We Love Our Customers by artist Stefanie Moshammer, experts from the fields of culture, science and activism will discuss alternative models and possibilities for environmentally conscious fashion consumption.

Recorded on DO, 10.11.2022, 18:00

Participants on the panel:
Nunu Kaller, author and communications consultant
Lara Steinhäußer (Curator Collection Textiles and Carpets, MAK Vienna
Anna-Sofie Wedl, Fridays for Future activist
Ina Loitzl, artist

Moderation: Michael Huber, Kurier
In cooperation with Kurier.