The Green Museum
A museum is also a producer of values, which as a public institution has to convey a socio-political stance. For this reason, KUNST HAUS WIEN attaches great importance to sustainable action, not only in terms of content, but also in operations and everyday work. Visible and invisible processes in museum operations are carried out in accordance with the highest possible ecological standards: 1) Resources are handled with care, 2) Repairs are the means of first choice, 3) When purchasing new products, attention is paid to long life, recycled raw materials, recyclability and environmental compatibility. In 2018, KUNST HAUS WIEN was the first museum to be awarded the Austrian Eco-Label. With its events and campaigns, the exhibition house aims to provide impetus for the entire cultural sector.
Art & Ecology
Exhibitions focusing on sustainability, climate change, recycling, urbanism
KunstHausWien has committed itself to a clear programme: The museum is the place in Vienna that deals with environmental and sustainability issues within the art discourse. The exhibition programme focuses on contemporary art in a variety of media and themes, reflecting the museum's pioneering role as the first green museum. Against the background of the work of Friedensreich Hundertwasser and his visionary commitment to environmental and socio-political responsibility, KunstHausWien presents exhibitions of contemporary art and combines them with an interdisciplinary and ongoing programme of discourse. More -
Austrian Ecolabel
The journey to the Green Museum
In addition to the content orientation, the concepts of sustainability and environmental protection are also given high priority in operations and everyday work: Processes have been and are being examined and optimised in terms of environmental compatibility and ecological action both in the museum and in the administration. On September 13, 2018, KUNST HAUS WIEN was certified with the Austrian Eco-Label. This is the first time that a museum has been awarded the certification, which has so far been established primarily in the event, tourism and education sectors and with which companies and institutions have committed themselves to environmental protection and quality. More -
Future Talks: Climate X Change
As a place of lively debate, KunstHausWien offers a forum for the fields of art, science and activism and invites discussion. Interdisciplinary Future Talks are dedicated to the demands of the Fridays for Future movement to discuss the most important issues related to the climate crisis and to reflect on innovative strategies for the future. The audience is invited to contribute on the spot or to ask questions in advance, which will then be incorporated into the discussion. More -
Artist Lecture
As part of our special exhibitions, KunstHausWien regularly offers Artist Lectures - exclusive artist talks in which the participating artists present their works and creative processes. These talks shed light not only on artistic practice, but also on key themes such as the environment and sustainability, which are at the heart of our exhibitions. More -
Museums For Future
As part of the global movement Museums For Future, the KunstHausWien team is committed to more measures concerning climate protection in the context of Fridays For Future. The museum and its employees would like to show their ecological and political commitment and assume responsibility by being certified with the Austrian Eco-Label. By participating in the major climate strikes of Fridays For Future, the museum is also publicly demonstrating for the most comprehensive and efficient climate protection actions possible in order to meet the 1.5 degree target of the United Nations agreed upon in the Paris Climate Change Convention. More -
Ecological Commitment
Hundertwasser’s popularity is not only based on the mass appeal of his paintings and his visionary architecture, but today more than ever also on his active dedication to and many interventions on behalf of comprehensive nature- and environment protection. Just like he showed the people possibilities of a better world and finding a way back to paradise in his pictures ... More