Under The Mushrooms
Under The Mushrooms legt mit seinen Einblicken in die Gedankenwelt der jungen und jüngsten VertreterInnen der Wiener Kunst- und Kreativwirtschaft den Grundstein für die Zusammenarbeit der Zukunft. Die MacherInnen der Brand Unit initiieren seit Jahren Projekte, die sich mit den Themen Content, Community, Curation und Colaboration auseinandersetzen. More -
Ines Doujak
Landscape Painting
For landscape painting, the artist Ines Doujak works in the KUNST HAUS WIEN Garage with collected and archived nature: with dried plants, mushrooms, seeds, crushed blossoms, leaves, berries, wood, ashes, clay, stones and sand. She develops her installation in a process-oriented way by drawing on her natural archive, which she uses as artistic material - like a colour palette. In the central work "Land Robbery" Doujak takes up a highly topical political theme: The unscrupulous expropriation and displacement of rural populations all over the world, leading to the destruction of biodiversity through monocultures. More -
Elfie Semotan
Position and Pose
On the occasion of her 80th birthday, KUNST HAUS WIEN is paying tribute to Elfie Semotan with a comprehensive retrospective. The exhibition Position and Pose spans six decades of her diverse artistic oeuvre and offers an opportunity to experience Semotan’s photographic universe as a multi-layered meshwork of discrete approaches to the medium of photography. On show are some 150 works, ranging from her well-known fashion and advertising shots to haunting portraits, poetic landscapes, and still lifes. More -
Herwig Turk
Anamnesis of a Landscape
For several years, the Austrian artist Herwig Turk has been dealing with the exceptional landscape of the Tagliamento. The wild river in the upper Italian region of Friuli is one of the very few unregulated rivers in the Alps. In his multi-layered and artistically demanding examination of the Tagliamento, Turk presents the river areas as places with different uses, cultural attributions and evaluations in the exhibiton "Anamnese einer Landschaft". More -
After Us, the Flood
As a Green Museum, KUNST HAUS WIEN regularly dedicates major photographic presentations to key ecological themes. The main exhibition in autumn presents a selection of artistic positions that focus on the effects of climate change on the ecosystem. The works in the exhibition show and analyse the impact the global climate crisis has on glaciers, sea and marine regions, considering both scientific and political aspects. The images of disappearing glaciers, rising sea levels, increasingly acidified oceans and desertificated land areas are not least emotionally touching, and once again bear witness to the urgency of the topic. More